Review of 2024 – Part II

In my last post Happy New Year! I gave you a brief overview of my posts from January and February last year. Today I want to continue with my review of the year, because on the one hand I was able to introduce you to many new brands and fragrances here in 2024, and on the other hand some new readers have joined us in the last few weeks who were not here from the beginning in 2024. Despite all the anticipation for the new fragrances of the still young year, a little look back never hurts, because in the mass of new launches coming in here, some fragrance treasures from last year may fade into the background a little.

PERFUME.SUCKS - Flash 0021

March 2024

March was initially characterized by the new Conspiracy Line by Andreas Wilhelm and his brand PERFUME.SUCKS, which Harmen presented to you here. As a special treat, there was also an interview with perfumer Wilhelm, in which he revealed exciting information about his new collection.

But of course I also wrote quite a few articles in March. The Crazy Collection by ThoO with the three creations Bonbon Pop, Gambling and Wabisabi was just as much a topic here as the new room fragrance series La Rose Aime La Menthe by Carrière Frères. Rosendo Mateu’s Olfactory Journeys have also found their way into the fragrance diary, with the fragrances 1968, 1970, 1988 and 2010 reflecting special milestones in the life of the Spanish perfumer who passed away a few years ago. And of course, I also presented my top 5 spring fragrances here in March under the motto Spring Vibes, an article that was once again accompanied by an extremely popular and limited sample set. Finally, there was Latte Mimosa by New Notes, a sunshine-yellow floral hit, before we said goodbye to the Easter vacations at the end of March.

THoO - Crazy Collection
Carrière Frères - La Rose Aime La Menthe
Rosendo Mateu - 1968
1968 from Facebook

April 2024

April began once again with a brand presentation: the French niche fragrance label Le Galion was already part of the Aus Liebe zum Duft range a few years ago, then disappeared again briefly before being reintroduced in 2024.

The traditional brand can look back on a long history that has been characterized by ups and downs. The fragrance house’s collection includes classic creations that have been carefully reformulated and reworked, as well as newly created perfumes.

Le Galion - L'Astre

Two other brands had a significant impact on the month of April here in the fragrance diary. One was the Memento Collection by Filippo Sorcinelli, as well as the Italian label Pompeii with its creations inspired by Roman antiquity and the famous city at the foot of Mount Vesuvius. But first a few words about the Memento Collection, which revolves around a sacred theme. Sorcinelli dedicates this line to various cathedrals, churches and meditative retreats, giving us fragrances that are not only visually appealing but also olfactorily fascinating:

With Pompeii, we stayed in Italy, but traveled back in time a few centuries. The eruption of the volcano turned the once tranquil little town of Pompeii on the Gulf of Naples into an internationally famous archaeological site, where the terrible events of that day in 79 AD have been preserved for us like a snapshot.

Filippo Sorcinelli - Notre Dame notte di Natale
Pompeii - Valeria

The Roman buildings, villas, temples and bathhouses that have been uncovered during excavations over the last few centuries are impressive. The fates of all those who did not manage to leave the city in time are tragic. The Pompeii fragrance house dedicates its compositions to certain inhabitants of the city of the same name, their villas, the festivities of the cult of Bacchus and the aromas and spices brought to the Roman Empire by oriental traders:

However, April was of course not only dominated by individual brands, but also by individual fragrance presentations. I presented the limited-edition room fragrance line White Collection by Diptyque (unfortunately sold out in the meantime), as well as the olfactory chili pepper Scoville by Obvious Parfums, the wonderful lime creation Tilia by Marc-Antoine Barrois and the super creamy feel-good fragrance Cappadocia by Memo. Cèdre Figalia by Atelier Materi, a child’s mind by equality.fragrances and the presentation of the three new fragrances Scorzaforza, Sandalvia and Gioco all’Alba – Three new fragrances by Bois 1920 rounded off the review series in April.

Obvious Parfums - Scoville
Marc-Antoine Barrois - Tilia
Memo - Cappadocia
Atelier Materi - Cèdre Figalia
equality.fragrances - a child's mind
Bois 1920 - Scorzaforza

Recent Comments

Julia Biró Written by:

Bereits 2010 gingen so einige Blogbeiträge auf mein Konto. Dann war ich „kurz“ weg – sechs Jahre. Umso mehr freut es mich, dass ich nun wieder die Chance bekomme, mein Näschen im Dienste der Duftrezension schnuppern zu lassen und eifrig in die Tasten zu hauen. Was Nischendüfte angeht, habe ich damals übrigens schnell Feuer gefangen. Meine Ausbildung tat dazu ihr Übriges: Als diplomierte Biologin kenne ich mich nicht nur mit Fauna und Flora, sondern auch recht gut mit der Herstellung von Ölen und Extrakten aus, was den Reiz der Parfumwelt natürlich noch größer macht.

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