AZUREBLUSH and BLONDPURPLE by PERROY – Pure joie de vivre

Our theme week on PERROY ‘s innovative, colorful and bright collection continues with AZUREBLUSH and BLONDPURPLE. We remember that the creations are mood fragrances that carry different emotions and moods or are intended to intensify and olfactorily emphasize them in the wearer. “Spray your mood” is the credo and as colorful as the flacons are, we can assume that the eaux de parfum are all about positive emotions.


In my last post PERROY – Spray Your Mood, I already introduced you to the brand itself and the first fragrance PINKFIRE, which was tagged with the hashtag #sexy. Today’s creations also revolve around very passionate hashtags with #flirty and #sensual, so I’m excited to see how PERROY translates these emotions and moods olfactorily.

AZUREBLUSH – #flirty

The fragrance notes of AZUREBLUSH are already completely seductive: rhubarb, lychee and peony make you think of a fruity, lovely floral fragrance with hints of water and I would be very happy if I were right. Sometimes you don’t need much to be happy.

PERROY itself says of the creation that it is “an expressive elixir of passion. Like a sweet candy on the skin.” The pale pink color and the fragrance notes would lead me to believe that this is a romantic eau de parfum that could appear carefree, fun-loving and girly. From a purely visual point of view and based on the ingredients, I don’t see a passionate, possibly erotic creation at first glance. But I like to be surprised and so I plunge straight into the text of AZUREBLUSH.


PERROY’s rose-colored fragrance is powerful and present at the start. The sweet and sour fruity accents of rhubarb meet delicately sweet lychee, embedded from the outset in radiant rose nuances that are both airy and elegant. The delicate sweetness of the peony joins in and conjures up wonderful watery accents in the creation with its flowing notes, which create a wonderful dynamic and blend harmoniously into the melange.

AZUREBLUSH is summery and sunny and, in my opinion, the perfect feel-good fragrance for anyone who loves fruity-floral compositions that rely on the popular combination of rhubarb, lychee and (Pentecost) rose. This trio is already familiar from Delina by Parfums de Marly, which also uses these three ingredients in a really great olfactory way, but also plays in a completely different price segment to the PERROY eau de parfum presented here. AZUREBLUSH is a feminine, light, fresh, yet present fragrance with good longevity that can be worn on any occasion. Simply beautiful! Absolute recommendation from me! 🩷

BLONDPURPLE – #sensual

It continues sensually with BLONDPURPLE, which comes in purple and combines the scents of mango, blackcurrant and ylang-ylang. It is therefore likely to be fruity and also somewhat exotic, as mango and ylang-ylang are not known to be fruits that grow and thrive in this part of the world. The combination of the three ingredients makes me very curious, because I really like mango in fragrances, blackcurrant too, and the creamy, tropical nuances of ylang-ylang could make a really great base for these two.


BLONDPURPLE starts sweet and fruity with strong cassis notes that combine with juicy, ripe mango. It sounds delicious, and it is. This creation also reveals the clarity and transparency typical of Arnaud Poulain’s fragrances, which he combines with a wonderful presence and balanced harmony. Gradually, the creamy, milky notes of the exotic ylang-ylang blossom creep into the olfactory action, soothing the lush fruity accents of the opening, caressing them and evoking a wonderful composition that smells of summer, vacation and joie de vivre.

Attention mango fans! This eau de parfum from PERROY could be just the thing for you. BLONDPURPLE is sweet, fruity, juicy, exotic and smells simply wonderful. Perfect for the warmer months of the year, but actually far too good for a seasonal restriction. I would and will wear BLONDPURPLE all year round, for every occasion. Have you tried this fragrance or any of the other PERROYs? Do you have a favorite? Let me know! 💜

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Julia Biró Written by:

Bereits 2010 gingen so einige Blogbeiträge auf mein Konto. Dann war ich „kurz“ weg – sechs Jahre. Umso mehr freut es mich, dass ich nun wieder die Chance bekomme, mein Näschen im Dienste der Duftrezension schnuppern zu lassen und eifrig in die Tasten zu hauen. Was Nischendüfte angeht, habe ich damals übrigens schnell Feuer gefangen. Meine Ausbildung tat dazu ihr Übriges: Als diplomierte Biologin kenne ich mich nicht nur mit Fauna und Flora, sondern auch recht gut mit der Herstellung von Ölen und Extrakten aus, was den Reiz der Parfumwelt natürlich noch größer macht.

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