BIBBI Parfum – When meditation meets fragrance

The BIBBI Parfum brand was founded in 2023 by Stina Bibbi Seger and her husband Jan Vilhelm Ahlgren, who niche fragrance fans may know from the Vilhelm Parfumerie brand. Born in Sweden, they lived in New York for a while, but are now based in the Marais district of Paris and are both extremely creative. In addition to her work as a designer, meditation is an integral part of Stina Bibbi Seger’s life. Here she finds peace, dives into her subconscious, into her innermost self. The experiences she has during these meditations are the source of inspiration for her collection, which takes us to the furthest corners of her meditative imagination.

BIBBI Parfum

Blue is the color of BIBBI Parfum. Not just any light forget-me-not blue or dark night blue, no, BIBBI Parfum relies on Klein Blue or International Klein Blue, the intense, luminous and pigment-rich blue that the French artist Yves Klein loved to use and for which he eventually even applied for a patent. For Stina Bibbi Seger, the captivating effect of this shade of blue, into which one would like to glide and immerse oneself, is likely to serve as a color synonym for her experiences while meditating and visually reflect this feeling.

Rainbow Rose – Meditation in the Vatican

Rainbow Rose takes us to Italy. Not to one of the beaches or picturesque landscapes that make this country so enchanting, but to the Vatican. Here Stina Bibbi Seger seems to have had a revelation in a moment of inner contemplation that led her to the composition. Rainbow Rose combines the fragrance notes of freesia, magnolia, Provence rose, musk, ambroxan, cashmere wood and iris.

While meditating in the Vatican early one morning, I had a vision. The morning sun hit one of the prisms in the old side windows and a rainbow appeared and crossed the room. At the end of the rainbow, I found a book with a red rose embroidered on the spine. When I opened the book, a divine scent of roses filled the room. I read the first page and understood that the world was not yet ready for the content.

BIBBI Perfume - Rainbow Rose

Rainbow Rose from BIBBI Parfum opens with a light and airy floral sweetness. Magnolia and freesia captivate with their transparent, aquatic notes, which are soon illuminated by the gentle freshness of roses. The protagonist presents herself as a bright, radiant and enchanting specimen – I would say in a delicate rosé – who appears soft and cozy. Not a femme fatale, but not a girlish, carefree little rose either. Although Rainbow Rose has an extremely relaxed, lucid and calming effect, the creation also has a certain depth, consistency and maturity without ever slipping into madness.

The eau de parfum is very modern and timeless at the same time. Ambroxan provides a fluffy, molecular softness that blends with creamy, earthy iris and velvety cashmere wood. The composition becomes somewhat darker in the base. A soft and airy floral fragrance centered around an enchanting rose that is spring-like and cheerful. I would classify the presence as medium, the durability as well. Perfect for anyone who likes transparent and airy rose fragrances with aquatic floral notes that can be worn on any occasion.

Radio Child – BIBBI Parfum

I consider the background story to Radio Child to be a little spooky, to be honest. Others might say mysterious. However, I’m not really a fan of stories about paranormal phenomena and I interpret Radio Child’s source of inspiration as just such a story: “This story is about a child who lived in Vienna at the end of the 18th century. Nobody knew whether he was a boy or a girl and nobody knew his parents. The child was an exceptional piano player and took private music lessons from Beethoven. One day, Beethoven went out of the room to get a cup of wine and the child vanished into thin air! Every year on the day of the child’s disappearance, all the radios in Vienna play Piano Sonata No. 14, the Moonlight Sonata.” Translated with (free version) Black pepper, jasmine, fig leaves, cashmere wood, oak moss, salty notes and musk are the ingredients of this fragrance from BIBBI Parfum.

BIBBI Parfum - Radio Child

Airy, fruity nuances characterize the opening of Radio Child and I am almost certain that I can also detect a hint of pear. Or is it the fig that wants to lead me astray? I only marginally notice the greenish coloring that the fruit is otherwise known for. It is creamy, fresh, sweetish and so light and transparent that sometimes you almost think it will disappear like the aforementioned child who was Beethoven’s pupil.

But then the creation picks up speed again. The fig combines with salty-creamy and woody nuances, accompanied by soft musky powderiness, and gradually fades away. Radio Child is an elusive and light mix of sweet fruits, creamy jasmine and woods that is ethereal and spring-summery. Radio Child is ideal for anyone who wants to experience a slightly different fig and is looking for a subtle and uncomplicated fragrance for the warmer months of the year. 💙

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Julia Biró Written by:

Bereits 2010 gingen so einige Blogbeiträge auf mein Konto. Dann war ich „kurz“ weg – sechs Jahre. Umso mehr freut es mich, dass ich nun wieder die Chance bekomme, mein Näschen im Dienste der Duftrezension schnuppern zu lassen und eifrig in die Tasten zu hauen. Was Nischendüfte angeht, habe ich damals übrigens schnell Feuer gefangen. Meine Ausbildung tat dazu ihr Übriges: Als diplomierte Biologin kenne ich mich nicht nur mit Fauna und Flora, sondern auch recht gut mit der Herstellung von Ölen und Extrakten aus, was den Reiz der Parfumwelt natürlich noch größer macht.

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